Tag: Plurk

  • Question on Vampires

    To all Twilight fans (and other vampire fans for the matter of fact): If Edward and all the vamps cant tahan (take it) when Bella got a LITTLE paper cut…….. What happens if she’s having her period?!?! Isn’t that like blood overload or something? -.- via @Airpork Discuss here. It is a private profile, sorry.…

  • Cliques

    Long ago, someone on Plurk mentioned about the size of clique that one can have. I did not follow the thread all the way. But the gist that I get up till the point I followed until was that the size of the clique that one can be in is self-adjusting. Just how many cliques…

  • Concentration needed

    My lecturer just produced some frightening figures from last semester’s exam papers. Apparently, the four papers I am taking are among those with the lowest passing rate. Hence, it is time for me to drop my happy-go-lucky attitude from now on. My updates on the Net is increasingly rare and it will remain this way.…