Tag: Technology/Internet

  • Concentration needed

    My lecturer just produced some frightening figures from last semester’s exam papers. Apparently, the four papers I am taking are among those with the lowest passing rate. Hence, it is time for me to drop my happy-go-lucky attitude from now on. My updates on the Net is increasingly rare and it will remain this way.…

  • Study Tool: Freemind

    An example of a mindmap generated with Freemind Freemind is a freeware mindmapping tool. It generates mindmaps for studies, which I am doing now for my revision; keeping track of tasks at hand (although some say that it is more useful if used in along with Outlook) and many other stuff. The software helps me…

  • Singapore Handphone Number Assignment

    I was kind of bored one day and a better part of my curiosity lead me IDA website to find out about the number assignment for handphone. I was also tired of asking friends which telco’s service they are using so I can use the Internet SMS services. Singtel and Starhub provide free Interenet SMS…