Tag: Online social networking

  • {UPDATED} Plagiarism at its best: Microsoft China steals Plurk’s concept

    I was chilling out on Plurk when this came up: Yes. You must be thinking, Microsoft China ripping off Plurk? See for yourself. In this blog post, a comparison was done between the design and the codings. They have uncanny similarities between them. Except for visual changes, I cannot see that Microsoft China created its…

  • Flash Mob at Orchard

    There will be a flash mob later at Orchard. I just received news of it on Facebook. It is perfect for those who wants to have pillow fights. Remember to bring pillows for it. Please refer to the Facebook event page for more information. P.S. I am falling sick. It is probable that I will…

  • [Telegraph(UK) Video] Extreme Sheep Herding

    Here is a just for laughs video involving dozens of sheep in a pasture somewhere in the United Kingdom. Credits should go to @Endoh for highlighting this on Plurk. Enjoy!