Tag: dance

  • Sing and Dance!

    I was bored doing my homework, so I decided to take a break and just watched the Facebook news feed ran by. Two Youtube videos came out. The first one was hilarious. It is two Korean girls singing a song in karaoke style, with a twist to it. I have to thank Nathalia for the…

  • [Youtube] A stunt that went wrong

    Everyone knows that break dancing can be dangerous when the stunts pulled go wrong. The dancer will end up with broken bones or even death at the worst. Still, people do give them the due respect and admiration for the highly energetic routine. It was probably this admiration that led to this poor kid ploughing…

  • After studying hard…

    It is time to rest. I have been spending the whole time practically on YouTube! Here are some of the videos I have watched… And what sparked this off? OK… Back to study…