Tag: China

  • China 101: Always Bring A Roll of Toilet Paper Wherever You Go

    China 101: Always Bring A Roll of Toilet Paper Wherever You Go

    “Sir! The gates are breaching!” Startled from the lull from the audio feedback from external sources, the main controller barked, “What d’ya mean? Pinpoint the source ASAP. We are in a classroom! Goddamnit!” “Sir, yes sir! … Found it!” The minion replied with a beam on his face. Immediately, his face creased, “Approximately 5 minutes…

  • Plurk 1: Microsoft 0

    Microsoft has suspended a new internet messaging service in China, after it emerged that the site was partially based on code stolen from a rival startup. The site, Juku, launched in November is similar in concept to other online messaging systems like Twitter. But earlier this week the team behindPlurk, a young internet company based in…

  • {UPDATED} Plagiarism at its best: Microsoft China steals Plurk’s concept

    I was chilling out on Plurk when this came up: Yes. You must be thinking, Microsoft China ripping off Plurk? See for yourself. In this blog post, a comparison was done between the design and the codings. They have uncanny similarities between them. Except for visual changes, I cannot see that Microsoft China created its…