Tag: Blog hosting services

  • {UPDATED} Plagiarism at its best: Microsoft China steals Plurk’s concept

    I was chilling out on Plurk when this came up: Yes. You must be thinking, Microsoft China ripping off Plurk? See for yourself. In this blog post, a comparison was done between the design and the codings. They have uncanny similarities between them. Except for visual changes, I cannot see that Microsoft China created its…

  • Concentration needed

    My lecturer just produced some frightening figures from last semester’s exam papers. Apparently, the four papers I am taking are among those with the lowest passing rate. Hence, it is time for me to drop my happy-go-lucky attitude from now on. My updates on the Net is increasingly rare and it will remain this way.…

  • Family on Twitter

    OK, half of my family is on Twitter: my mom (though she rarely check on that), my sister and me. My sister mainly uses tweet.sg to update her tweets. She does not have a moblie data plan, and she cannot get one due to some restrictions. So she updates through SMS. Not very cost effective,…