• ACCA examinees to bring ballpoint pen.

    ACCA has recently use on-screen marking to grade the papers. Answer scripts are scanned and digitalised. The electronic version of the scripts is then sent to the markers for grading. Therefore, to ensure that the answers are scanned into the computers, a black ballpoint pen is needed. Further care is needed by not writing the…

  • Passed

    Yay!!!! I passed the 3 papers! So much for worrying. So now what? I have to come to terms that the next set of exams will cost me 10% more than I expected. They raised the price. And oh, one of the next few papers does actually fall on my ORD date.

  • Results

    My ACCA results are coming out on the 17th. I didn’t actually bother if my results will be bad. I was dealt with academic failures before. I failed my promos once, got retained for it. I am really apathetic to this now. My lecturer today asked the class how many are not waiting for results…