Month: June 2010

  • [Youtube] 天黑黑

    天黑黑是一首家喻户晓的歌。我第一次听这首歌的时候是中一,中二的时候吧。那时,颜永成学校合唱团为了比赛而学习。 孙燕子借用了一些词而唱了她的天黑黑。 周一,thinkfamily.sg发出了一份关于孝道的短片。在这短片里,这首歌被用来作为一个桥梁,进入了父亲和奶奶的回忆。对许多人来说,这无疑带来了很多的感情。请慢慢观赏。 P.S. My grasp of Chinese is rudimentary. So please, if you find any mistakes, leave a comment. I have tried to use Google Translate as minimally as possible since the translation is not always not accurate.

  • [Advertorial] Nokia The Rookie

    I seldom watch television, sans the shows I watch on my laptop. So it is rare to catch The Celebrity Apprentice on Channel 5 on the Sunday that just past. Ok, what am i talking about! Wrong focus! Opps.   The Nokia The Rookie emulates the rules set in The Apprentice. The shows is currently…

  • The hypocrisy that US practice

    I have to clarify that no matter how perfect a person, or an entity is, no one is free from being a hypocrite. The following article came up in my Tweet stream just recently: MFA questions credibility of US human trafficking report (…)   The Singapore Government questioned how the US could rank itself in…